Giving light to a politician
As on earth many kinds of goverment,
through all times and all regions.
From the souvereign king,
to the democratic choosen citizens,
From the president elected
to the choosen elderly
From the aristocrats,
to the famous people.
The main argument to
a good goverment is the
of its leaders.
And the honesty of all
As the regulations
of all goverment services
are by question of all citizens
in society.
As main rules for all are
ofcourse the constitution
and the boundaries to
The respect for all labor
and work, as well the
unpaid volunteers.
Political leaders
Basical study
As a president is elected and taken from
the trade-level companies.
As the prime miniter is elected
and taken from the floor of a factory
As the minister is choosen and
taken from the designer studio.
All political leaders are not
by certain being studied in
the art of leading a country.
As a president aims for profit,
the role of a president
is to maintain the country or state.
This fact calls for a political
studytime to learn all important
theme's for being a leader.
Such a study time let it be
half a year. can give the difference
between leading a country into
or to lead it to a famine or disaster.
In the theory, a president being elected
with half a year study-time,
overlaps the previous president
the previous president has an extra half year
and then the new president is being
active in duty.
As presidents learn political theme's
both history like greek, italian and
hindu, as well subjects on
philosophy and other background information.
Goverment control
United goverment
As most countries have a form of goverment
some democratic, some republic,
and some with other means.
As a goverment is to serve the country,
as it had trade,living, science
and all the functions like culture,
tradition and religion.
As soon as a country, of one planet grows
to a whole planet. being the planet
under one flag or symbol.
even with different languages being
As a country is at least a planet big,
and the planet united by one
law system, one goverment ruling
the planet and making regulations
to ease all travel, trade and peace.
as the overal goverment uses goverment
controll. to ensure all peace at the planet.
These goverment control, or dutch regeringscontroleurs
make all regulations being held by all parts
of this planetical goverment.
goverment control can be a legal independent
company under leadership of the planet goverment
It can be appointed by a democratic organ,
or its appointed by the reigning emperor.
These goverment control workers
have the right to study, to intervene
and to follow procedures especially given
to them.
As these have the function to control
the peace and influence of the parts
of the empire, country, united or any other
The step from the united nations,
to the whole planet under one
governance is a big step,
but obliged to get part of the universe.
Athene politics
A city hall of citizens
As a goverment is to lead all country
in a good direction guarding both safety
trade, profit, culture and the religions available.
As a goverment is led by the use of a goverment
method. of one is republic and democratic.
This goverment leads the country,
and within the country provinces, states
or regions by border are being governed
by a town or city hall.
For this article is for when one searches
for an extension of goverment.
By which not being static or planned
is the primal feature.
As this method is by the citizens-forum.
as its not a planned meeting.
Not elected person working all the decisions.
It is the choice to have a room inside the town hall.
being solely for the continuous speech of all the citizens
asking for support, attention, or to give speech
to a basic need in society.
As with current technology, all the speech
in this room is recorded, translated into
To take the lead to speak about the societal
need, by the hands of the common citizen.
As this room is open from nine to five
and to all citizens having the basic respect.
To ask attention for a matter in this room
is to give it the attention of the leaders.
who delegate to the other employees in
the goverment.
As its a townhall and a room inside.
its in the attention of the local
politicians, and all subject exceeding
the local region are given to the
level of the country politics.
as in the country politics,
the same room, for the general
political subjects.
As the use of this idea
is to give all citizens
not needing a planned meeting
a commuication method with
elected politicians
a method to have a subject being heard
as its proof for the end-line of all
As this idea is based on the level of politics
at the greek and athen way of speech.
As to allow all matters to be heard
at a local and generic direction.
As both election, and both free speech
get the country in good lead,
just by the planned and unplanned
hand of the politicians.
Give a speech and word to those
passing by, and willing to have
a theme in politics with the hand
of the citizen.
The greek culture at
Athene being political
lead by the citizens forum
Curves of society
Size of goverment and functional assignment
As with every country and its politics
the question arises how many attention
do i give to all parts of the goverment
and the reason to lead a country.
As a country needs a goverment
capable of coping all problems
during time and during life of all citizens.
To compare with a human body,
all parts have a size, and
the function good enough to
make the body able to function.
As with a female body,
one looks at the posture
and all sizes when medium
or small and big enough
to be of beauty.
As both with the size and
the geometry makes a body
goodlooking ,beautifull
or at man, handsome.
As a body, daily eats
and drinks and gets the
energy to both function
and give the body its size.
As with female,
we look at them and when the
right size, being 170m,
and the posture with
curves, with round enough
being very beautifull
and when flat being less
Compared to a country,
thr size is the number
of citizens in the country
and the total population.
As the curves for a country,
is the number of people assigned
to the police force,
the education function
the public services.
As dividing all the citizens
in the rspective functions of the country
is the curve or the society
As all citizens more or less at
own choice are assigned to
a level in society it gives
the health, the beauty of the society
at full.
As the size are the total of the
population and part of the total
assignment to different worktheme's
as the curves is the asginment
as well the methods by which
all work is done.
As an example,
if a police is to save
society and protect it from evil
To give freedom a basic right
and as well not as in medieval
times having an executioner
killing all criminals as this would
give a raw border to the body of the society.
So a method is to put them in jail,
versus medieval solutions.
One method giving a society beauty,
the other making a blemish on
either the size or the curve.
To have a society is always
the job to estimate full size
and characteristics.
As the society can be perfected
by choosing the right numbers
for all goverment and public services
as well their protocol for handling
all of their responsability.
As a society on earth,
we see all countries and nations
make their choice to have a goverment
of their liking,
and the use of all parts of it
with their protocols, their use of
methods and the level of assignment.
As on earth many countries,
compared to each country being
a body for example a female body
the choice for each of them
how to look, which size, which curves.
as well how wellformed it is to
behave as a country for the sake
of its citizens.
Goverment Coordination
Goverment support in totality
As law in the future can be far more advanced than
in these current days.
As we know socialism to care for the people in
poverty, sickness and infirmity.
As we know population in percentages
is always with partly unable for the workforce.
As we know law to judge people to have
care for living and decency of
being in the public outdoors.
As we know large part of infirmity fits
into a scale of gradation and uses
the same kind of life-support.
As we know all not able to work
are bound by either family support
or to be supported by the goverment
and the service being coordinating it.
The term Goverment coordination
is the full scale of all support
population needs when not able to
care for their own living.
As soon one cannot work
goverment coordination.
As soon one is wounded in intelligence
goverment coordination.
As soon one looses its job,
and by sickness or unable
to find a job,
goverment coordination.
As we have all different divisions
for either poverty, infirmity,
elderly people and all other theme's
In the future they all are cared for
by goverment coordinatioin.
Which also means the responsabilty of the
individual is transferred to the goverment
As the responsability of the person
is tranferred to the goverment
all choices in legal matter
can be influenced by
the delegated of the goverment.
As Goverment Coordination
complements the shortage of the
General protected service
Protected Firm under Guidance
As capital and democratic as well republic law
tells that all trade and companies have to
create profit to be able to exist.
As they have place, a building,
a natural place, mines,
or a firm with employees.
As well consumers, clients
and turnover money or goods.
The need or force to have profit
keeps them driving the lane
to create, produce and manage.
As the General protected service
is depending on the goverment
or international assigned team or service
it grants the use of nonprofit turnover
as it exists on behalf of the goverment
and without profit all payments are
by the goverment.
As it has no need for profit,
the turnover is turned over to
the service of general protection.
As partly communistic and partly
being a service to allow all kinds
of companies without the level
of profit but the level of pure
This service is to be implemented by
law, and to monitored by the goverment
as its vulnarable for fraud.
As its a service for example
to artisans, to philantrophy
to volunteer working
or the ones with a strong ideal
or a call for a supportive function
in society.
Its integrated by the use of
financial law to both pay all
turnover to the goverment
and the registration of all costs
for the goverment.
The goverment applying a
rule for this service is
filling the hole of the
capitalistic so called
twitch in the eye.
As its a service it depends
on the goverment for all
implementation with their
use of expertism to have
it rightfully accustomed.
A symbol of self-dependance
As the pentagram and pentacle are associated with
a religious purpose being by selfdependance.
As in christianty they say the hexagram
is to show the combined mercy of all
christians together.
Making it a collective mercy,
sharing it between all of them.
The pentagram as the star
with five points is the symbol
that the individual, company or country
is self-dependent in faith, source or
The pentragram with two legs beneath and one
up is the symbol used by religions
far older than christianity or the faith
of the church.
The pentagram or pentagraph as its
sometimes named is the symbol
giving the owner a kind of mercy
of a religious source.
As we see the symbol in flags
of nations, of companies and
by the use as rituals.
Spiritual Symbol
What if the sands of time erase the message
As a symbol of peace from far away
knowledge as a vision is granted giving
known subjects a new direction,
and art a new fashion of design.
To have reverence for a source
and the explanation of making
all things in life being worthwile
and in esteem for the abode of Brahman.
Sometimes one asks,
what if everything is lost,
gets broken and digital information
is lost in the veil of a disaster.
And if wisdom is not recognized
and even every writing is diseappeared
without any knowledge of it.
As the reason of a kingdom far away,
would they have technology far beyond ours
and as hidden eye see all things written
and even they bow down for the simple human
design of words being written.
As their design is capable of highclass
both plastic and metal printers,
both 3d design and simple intuitive operation.
As the wisdom would be seen by the all-seeing eye
and is kept in the treasury chest of time.
Untill the Brahman Supreme reality gives it
a purpose for eyes to see, for hands to
fold the pages, and the understanding
of those longing for wisdom, and those
wishing peace for a world of societies.
As there is a vision in the eye of the writer,
and a meaning to be kept alive for the author,
As its a wish that its not lost before being seen,
May the message reach out for having its goal,
as gods promise their word is not travelling back
being empty handed or without reason.
As the wish and the desire of the writer,
to write to design to form words to a message,
not to self-interest, but the meaning and will
of the esteemed Brahman. For his sake i write.
Law on penalties
A little opinion on a subject of law
As in a goverment all the laws are described and valid
by written consent of all the democratic councils.
As in a goverment, the law on penalty
crimes, damage and persons violating societal rules.
As crimes are investigated by the police,
the security service, or any goverment
appointed service.
As a country you want to make
the region safe from all kinds of danger
damage or crimes.
As the country is led by the
democratic councils,
they have agreed upon the
protocol on police matters.
As when you are arrested they say
you have the right for an attorney
or lawyer, you may be silent
and all information can be used against you.
As these police investigations
are to keep society safe
and this oath as to say
is to both protect the rights
of the police and the one being
in investigation.
The ethical question is
this oath is giving boundaries
or borders to the process of investigation,
and is law or regulations
both being held by both parties.
The second question
is law for all citizens including
the police itself
or is the police relieved of law during
investigation to have no boundaries of morale or ethics
In my opinion two extra lines has
to be added to this subject.
That the so called criminal to
be investigated should have
one period a week, a daypart
to study his status,
in the books available in
a normal library.with the free choice of books
And the second one,
that during investigation
the person is free to adress his
prayers to all gods named in the
As some years ago
even one could give oath by
having the hand on the bible.
As these prayers, according to
constitution may not be
intervened by any police
investigation methods,
and may not be used against them.
As in all religions
prayer is a birth right.
As with the addition
that all parts being used against them,
in relation to other people
are before the end of the investigation
being repaired or restored.
Choices of democracy
Effect of society in democratic decision-process
As the subject of goverment, leading countries
and democracy is a wide range of all kinds of
arguments, ideas and all kinds of insights
This theme of governing a country is more
a subject of which wish the population has
to form a goverment at which they comply
When a goverment lays an unreasonable pressure
on its population they will riot or protest against them.
When a goverment gives peace, and the serenity
of being part of a society they will all
be positive about it.
The goverment which uses its period
to diminish debt, to heal public services
to enhance the level of education
and to give medical care as a basic option.
As each goverment can only spend as much
capital or money they have its always
a choice. more to this theme, less to that theme.
Where each country makes choices,
some with longterm results,
others with a quick fix or quick goal.
The goverment to use all information
sources, is likely to thrive more,
than those sticking to a leader
for his own good.
The goverment selling all kinds
of actions as for the Greater Good
is judged by the argument they give.
As the goverment is choosen by the
population, the goverment when before or
shortly after election
should give all information
about goverment, regulations
convenants and all actions regarding
citizens or population to the population
in a general way, reachable to all
who wishes to be informed about
political matters.
This is to ensure the goverment
to keep its eye-point of the population
as centre.
Not to have all kinds of operations
the population would abject,
and the leaders get their own
plans fullfilled and loosing morale.
Ethics of penalty
Penalty ethics of non-damaging body influences
The question about penalties.
One says being in prison as a restriction of freedom
others say a pain inducement if not letal or
permanent damage.
A permanent damage would be like in
medieval societies.
If pain inducement would be
not permanent damage,
the ethical question would arise
But a nonpermanent penalty
of pain inducement
is noentheles damage
to the soul.
As the soul feels the pain,
and during the next part of the life
its a permanent souls damage.
Therefore the paininducement
even when not bodily with damage
is a damage to the soul
therefore the same argument as
hurting someone physically.
The order of the Escrutcheon
A small symbol of spiritual mercy as found on a coin
As all nations on earth have a symbol depicting their
goverment, their origin as a country and to
be distinguished from other countries.
As all nations have a symbol and by their effort
place it at a means for society.
For example the american dollar has
the eye of providence,
and the dutch coin was made with
a symbol of the weaponshield,
or escrutcheon.
As it was the symbol of the
royal family.
As on the side was the sentence of
the god be with us,
as a token of the chrisitan religion
As the dutch weaponshield depicts
the symbol of the dutch indentity.
It can be used as a spiritual symbol
as well. To grant citizens the right
to have a artistic impression on
their wall and in their homes.
As a spiritual symbol gives a kind
of protection or mercy.
As to say i am in line with the country.
As the vision that the royal family
adapts the symbol on the guilder,
the weaponshield as a symbol
of a new order.
This weaponshield for people
to have in their homes.
A silver guilder for keeping
in a safe place, and the artistic
impression the weaponshield
with god be with us to use as art.
As its visible in the home,
it is visible for the Lord most high
and he grants his mercy
in line with this symbol.
As the vision that citizens
can send a request to receive this
symbol of high value,
and receive a silver coin and a artistic
photo or canvas to put on the wall.
As the order to be governed by
a member of the royal family,
can ask the protection of the
Archangel Michael to guard this order.
As its a order without special needs,
without special requisites,
it can be an order of being
a symbol itself.
This idea is in line with the idea
that in america the order
of the eye of providence,
which grants a kind of mercy as well.
As the eye of providence,
was once being known for
giving a billionaire
putting the symbol of the dollarbill
at his wall. And around fifteen years later
he was very rich,
as i recollect from the news.
As the escrutcheon the emblem of a country.
With its spiritual meaning
A country and goverment
A regulator is an appointed officer
of the largest alliance on a world
A regulator has studied for a thirt years
and is scholared in politics,
human sciences and all kinds of
debate and communication.
A regulator when appointed to a country
has an obligation to ensure the
installment of all govermental services.
As govermental services are all needed
functions to have a healthy country
and its leading group.
A regulator has to install a goverment
of a council of representatives,
of a leader and leadership functionality.
A regulator has to activate trade agreements
to ensure taxes and all consumers services.
A regulator has to investigate for all
kinds of labor by function of energy
raw materials, technology and processes.
A regulator has to install an
educational system, to ensure
A regulator has to overwatch
a system of police enforcement
ensuring citizen safety.
A regulator has to guide the
install of a law by reason.
as all laws are applicable
by govermental actions.
A regulator
has in full the obligation
to ensure the normal goverment
and its parts to ensure a
society, and the ability
to ensure an alliance.
A regulator.
Has no specific rules in front
of all arrangements,
but by the study they have done
they can cope with all kinds
of problems, issues, and questions.
A regulator
is appointed by the largest alliance,
and can be enforced in cases of war
can be asked for in cases of countries
with the wish to become part of
a wealthy world.
A regulator,
has the possibility to
active local media at their choice,
by example to ask for democratic elections,
or to ask for certain arrangements
to build up any or all of the functions.
A country is not predeposed for
a democratic or republic goverment,
and royals in function of govermental
actions. are a question that can arise.
Point system representant
A country and goverment
As we all know money as the guiding principle
in both work, free time, goal and other types of means.
As money gives the one with work
a monthly allowance to spend
at supporting life, wishes,
and all other functions.
As on earth its divided in
the level of education
the leven of work, as one can be serious or not.
As on earth it is divided
by process, product en service
as a vacation costs an amount
as a product costs an amount
and a process is bound by value too.
As we see a dollar or an euro as
a point, as a singular value.
For example a cup of coffee
cost 3 dollars, say 3 or three points
As all costs are divided
in schemes representing the
value in society.
The method of point-schemes
is a basic or primary kind
of explaining why
some have much to spend
and others nothing at all.
As money decided by the worldbank
is to have schemes about the
intrinsic value, the inflation
and the legal tender of gold or silver.
As the society in the netherlands
one has a bottom rate spending kind
as one with minimal reward
has the basic spending of
points to have basic or minimal living.
As a point system as a concept to compare
a value independent on money value
as a token to represent the important
themes in society without bias of disease
poverty or any kind of discrimination
As the method to higher order in society
As the worth of citizens depending on societal structure
without the labor condition as prime discrimination
As to see money as points
the laws to integrate poverty,
disease and old age is more
simple to implement because
you don't give them reward for
labor or work not done
but you give them points
to let them have
an appartment, a place to live
food, and the basic of tablet
or computer.
As all money worldwide can
be represented into a point system.
as its the most easy to give
thos groups in society without
posssible work a point-amount
monthly they can spend on living
As in the individual society
you don't want to give money
to someone who has the obligation to work
but translated into a point system
you let them have the point amount
to have them coordinate their life
without the question they receive money
without the reason of work or value.
Public system
A country and goverment
We all know the kind of countries and their goverment
as to have public services like public health
like public allowance and public arrangements.
We know arrangements as local goverment,
public transport, and public health.
As we see in some countries money
and its monetary means are bound by
govermental public services.
As we see in other countries
money is bound by banking cooperations
as being a private company.
As we see in some countries
health system to be govermental public
and in others to have a private health system.
The difference is that public integrated
is the source for cheap and general kinds
and private with costs and conditions
for both customers as other cooperations.
As to have a meaning about it is some short
- Money should be a legal system with base ground a public banking name.
- Halth services, should have a legal part without conditions for all citizens.
- The ground of labor is to have an insurance without conditions for all citizens.
- Public transport as a service for travelling within the countries to all parts at reasonable cost.
- Goverment both local, and nationwide, should have the interest of democracy.
- The constitution describes the basic rights, endowed without conditions to all in the same manner.
- As democracy choosen by all citizens, appointed to all citizens.
- Legal justice always acts according to morale and ethics.
- Science and its purpose as based on societal grounds.
- All caring facilities bond by oath. Hypocrates.
- All justice and goverment bound by oath, morale and ethics.
- As all public govermental jobs under supervising of democracy.
- As all public goverments under constant monitoring without arguments.
De raad in de regering van ouderen
As a spiritual law, that once the council
of old people was being abjected as they
did not know the hardships of life
and the seeking of a purpose
They said we do not want to have elderly
and old people to be in the goverment
As this was valid untill someone would say
they receive their right back of governing
and guiding society.
So the idea for all countries and nations
to have besides the two councils
in the political process
the third council of
old people.
As old people have experience
and have seen all problems in life
and one theory is the hierarchy
is by age. as the oldest have highest
As to have a council of old people
is to accept their wisdom in a method
of guiding.
As they have their special interest,
one cannot say they are wrong, good
in fault or not understanding.
Because even when its seems wrong
they serve an interest of high importance.
So the advice to all countries
to install a council of old people
the elderly. even when infirm or
by weakness they deserve the placee
in the goverment.
If thye cannot use digital media
they haved the right for a method
of understanding.
Either paper, or any other method
of verbal communication.
As the prospective, a council of
old people will diminish
in the country,
criminality by twenty percent
income alleviation of fifteen percent
diplomatics of ten percent
population wellfare
either feeling, statement
is by thirty percent
The profile at other
countries kingdoms
united nations
of thirty five percent.
If the council of old people
is installed with their
conditions at their own choice
they will in five to ten years
be able to cope the problems
at hand and important.
As the council of old people
is a professional kind of
political representation
they have the right to choose
the level of their political
influence. and have the right
for their own special kind
of election. As choosen by
their own council.
The council of old people
do see and prevent and
preseek more problems
than a normal political process
would see.
To install a council of
old people is to give them
the deserved place
with their life-experience.